You Tell Me (15MB) The President Blues is a multinational (English, French, Dutch) occasional band near Riberac in France, and the occasion here was the birthday of the singer's partner in January 2003. We had a big party in a small converted barn with 65 people and half a sheep roasted over an open fire outside, and a 3-camera video shoot (I'm the camera to one side of the band, behind a speaker). The venue is just a friend's house with the furniture cleared out of the way, plus some lights and a smoke machine. The song was run through twice, first filming the band - mostly before the audience was there - and then looking towards the audience. It does generally lookas though it was all done at once, except, as a continuity error, you'll note one or two of the band members sometimes have dark glasses and sometimes not. The DV from the three cameras was edited in Final Cut Pro on a Mac Powerbook. The thing is also on YouTube at |